She haunts the railroad tracks.
Meet Amelia... oh dear... she is wearing that fateful carolina-blue dress.
Don't pass up on this haunting stroll in the 1920s.
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Book 1 of the Faerie Legacy Series
More than a gift, FAERY SIGHT is a way of life to a human girl raised in the Faerie Realm.
She learns the truth of her origins and finds a way to reclaim her royal identity while staying true to her faery upbringing.
Winner of the Literary Titan Gold Award, Readers' Favorite Bronze prize and 5-Star Award, and the League of Utah Writers' Golden Quill of Excellence award.
Get your signed copy of this award-winning fiction fantasy at the publisher's bookstore today!
Book 2 of the Faerie Legacy Series.
On the day she was born, Maité received a cradle gift from the faery Nahia—a gift that allows her to travel into other worlds while in a dream state.
This magical tale of loss and discovery begins with a CRADLE GIFT. A journey, a manuscript and a family tree unlock the mystery behind a young girl's lucid dreaming abilities.
Winner of the Literary Titan Gold Award, Five Star rating by Readers' Favorite.
Get your signed copy of this award-winning fiction fantasy at the publisher's bookstore today!
Book 3 of the Faerie Legacy Series.
When the weight of a realm is thrust upon her, a rebellious faery princess accepts the challenge. NAHIA's strengths and weaknesses lead her to change the genetic footprint of humanity, and to a bitter sweet victory.
Winner of the Literary Titan Gold Award, Five Star rating by Readers' Favorite.
Get your signed copy of this award-winning fiction fantasy at the publisher's bookstore today!
This mind-bending collection of paranormal tales, based on harrowing legends and night-mares come true, will creep under your skin and stay with you,
long after you have read it.
Winner of the Literary Titan Gold Award, Five Star rating by Readers' Favorite.
Get your signed copy of this award-winning fiction fantasy at the publisher's bookstore today!
An arcadian family portrait soon devolves into the sweeping quest of a daughter to transcend her roots.
From the ashes of burned letters comes a celestial romp spanning seven decades and two continents. Wander into Maggie’s garden, where thorns and perfumed blossoms coexist, through Love and her Homegrown Magic.
Winner of the Firebird Book Award, Literary Titan Gold Award, Five Star rating by Readers' Favorite, Quarterfinalist in the ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition
Get your signed copy of this award-winning fiction fantasy at the publisher's bookstore today!
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Pronto llegará el tomo 3 en la serie El Legado de las Hadas.
Cuando el peso de la soberanía recae sobre ella, la rebelde Princesa de las Hadas, Nahia, acepta el desafío. Sus virtudes y debilidades la llevan a cambiar la huella genética de la humanidad y a un agridulce triunfo.
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El tomo 2 en la serie El legado de las hadas, es una mágica historia de desventura y renacimiento que empieza con Un Don de Cuna.
Un viaje, una leyenda familiar y un árbol genealógico develan el misterio oculto en los sueños lúcidos de una joven.
Premios: Literary Titan Gold Book Award, ILBA Honorable Mention “Best Novel – Fantasy”
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Ambientada en el siglo XIX, Herencia Encantada relata el nacimiento de una bebé humana en La Soberanía de las Hadas en la misma noche sin luna en que nace la princesa de las hadas.
Crecen juntas, se ríen, se pelean, se quieren como hermanas y viven muchas aventuras que las preparan para enfrentar la gran batalla que cambiará sus vidas.
Más allá de la fantasía, el encanto y un toque de romance, Herencia Encantada es un regalo de las hadas que resalta los lazos entre las mujeres en una familia híbrida: seres humanos y feéricos.
Premios: Firebird Book Award (2023) Literary Titan Gold Book Award (2022)
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Cuentan mis Estrellas que mucho hay de cierto en las constelaciones y mucha es la magia en el resplandor de una estrella fugaz, tanto así, que al centellear iluminan verdades cósmicas ocultas en cada corazón.
En el cielo nocturno brilla ese rasgo estelar que te hace ser tú. No dejes de buscarlo.
Premios: Literary Titan Gold Book Award (2023)
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Un cuento de Navidad diferente...
Benjamín abandona su taller en el Polo Sur para demostrar a sus compañeros que la humanidad todavía cree en la Navidad. Pero sus esperanzas se desploman ante el desdeñoso, Pablo, quien a los diez años piensa que lo sabe todo.
La Nochebuena jamás corrió tanto peligro, pero, Entre Duendes Y Ratones, todo se arreglará a pedir de boca.
Premios: Literary Titan Silver Book Award (2021)
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